Henna in Costa
I suppose it all started one warm summer afternoon at a Costa Coffee in Ilford. Or perhaps it started the afternoon at work when I decided to spend more than a £5 to get henna on my hands and arms just because. But I usually credit Costa with my new found interest. I wanted to try my hand at creating something as beautiful as the work of the very talented Sabah Ismail, the woman behind Beyond Henna.
Not too long after that, I went to The Bahamas for the TTC and perhaps it was the environment but I started doodling mandalas everywhere. I kept it up when I came home and did a relatively large piece for a first attempt at doing something beyond a doodle.I created a few gifts for people and then started doodling on myself and anyone who’d let me with actual henna. Just before leaving for Japan I got a notebook from a very dear friend. I decided this notebook would be my ‘doodle-a-day book’. I has been so far.
Then Inktober rolled around. Perfect timing. A whole 31 days that I could dedicate to this new found art of mine. I’m excited about it and really looking forward to see what comes out of it and me!